Monday, June 9, 2008

Our First Registry Gift

This wedding planning program will be temporarily interrupted to bring you the first gift off of the Pineapple's registry...

A few weeks ago, I posted about the Pineapple Dream Registry and number one on the list was a puppy. I have wanted a puppy for years, but with three cats it always seemed a little crazy to add a dog to the mix. Well, love won over logic and Saturday Mr. Pineapple and I drove 4 hours to Bowling Green, Ohio to pick up our new puppy, Rooney!

Ok, maybe I am biased, but is he not the cutest puppy you have ever seen? We got him from a rescue. His mom is a mini schnauzer and his dad is a yorkie-poo. So, that makes him a Shorkie-Poo or a Schmutt for short.

We are amazed at how good he has been. We thought with such a young pup we would have a lot of work to do. But he is already crate and house trained at 9 weeks. He sleeps through the night, and even the cats are warming up to him.

Now all we need to complete our dream registry is a tulip farm, a fancy camera, brake rotors, season tickets, and cooking classes with Alton Brown... but I don't think that will be happening. Which is a-ok because we have A PUPPY!!!!

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