Monday, August 4, 2008

Will You Marry Me, Mr. Pineapple?

One year ago today, at 8:24pm Mr. Pineapple took me to Bow Bridge in central park and asked me to marry him. Everyone told me the engagement would fly by, I didn't believe them. Until today, it's been an entire year. Oh my goodness.

Mr. P and I spent the weekend moving to Clyde, PA. We have set up our first home in an old farm house on 100 acres. The puppy thinks it is wonderful and I am enjoying make our home uniquely ours. We have been very busy, but I wanted to do something nice and funny to celebrate this once ever milestone with Mr. P.

I really wanted to get Mr. P a pair of rose gold cuff links to match my ring. Unfortunately, with all the crazy last minute packing and job hunting I lost track of time and didn't order them. So instead, I decided to give him something stereotypically "wifey," socks and t-shirts. (I also threw in a Play Station game so he has something to do until they figure out how to get HD cable and internet into the woods.) I found some copper wrapping paper and a card that quotes his favorite show, Lost, "all we really need to survive is one person who truly loves us."

I am going to try to arrange some sort of dinner and hopefully propose to him at 8:24 tonight. Hopefully this poorly planned engage-aversary will still be sweet and touching.

Did you plan anything for your fiance on the anniversary of your engagement?

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