Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Way back in the day when I wrote about some early invitation concepts a few readers asked about specific typefaces. So, in addition to answering their questions I thought it may be helpful to write about a few of my favorite typefaces for wedding invitations. The type style and face you or your designer chooses is going to depend on the look and style you are going for, so these are by no means the only typefaces that are appropriate, they are just a few that I think work well.

I've lumped them into three groups Sweet/Girly, Traditional and Offbeat. The names of the groups are a fairly arbitrary way to start to categorize them that I made up, so you might think a traditional one is offbeat. (You can click to enlarge the images and the names are fictional)

The typefaces that I am calling Sweet and Girly I think would be great for a spring or summer wedding that is traditional and slightly modern.


Murray Hill

Wade Sans Light

Brighton Plain

Dorchester Script


Bickley Script

Here are the typefaces I am calling Traditional (and fancy):



Mahogany Script Std


Academy Engraved

Artisan Roman

Bickhan Script - Shown with some swash capitals and alternates


Cancellaresca Script

The next set I am calling Offbeat, but some are more modern or retro:

Bernhard Fashion



Rubino Sans - Fill

What are your favorite wedding typefaces?

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