Monday, April 28, 2008

Early Name Change

I have never had a second thought about changing my maiden name. It is not very easy to pronounce, even I - after 24 years, slur the syllables. I always have to spell it out to strangers and my signature isn't very pretty. Also, my brother is planning on having upwards of 7 children so I certainly don't have to worry about passing it on. Using it as a middle or hyphenated name would make my full name epic in length.

Now Mr. Pineapple's name is not much easier, but it is - a smidge. Plus I think that taking his name is very romantic. I am actually very excited and feel like I can take on a whole new identity.

With the death of my current name looming in the horizon (ok, maybe that is a bit dramatic) I have already begun planning the transition. One of the first things that came to mind was my domain name. Currently, it is So, I quickly snatched up and I have even started receiving emails at the new address from new clients. Mr. Pineapple thinks this is a bit strange, but I don't want to confuse people come October.

Now I know this is just a teeny tiny little detail, but it made my future life seem so much more real!

Has anyone else taken early steps to say goodbye to their maiden name?

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