Thursday, April 24, 2008

Esty Weddings - Copper Heaven

Everyone these days is talking about the Etsy Handmade Wedding Series, and for good reason!
I bookmark pages from Esty almost everyday with inspiration and items to add to my wish list. It is also a great place for general inspiration. Here are some of my finds. Some of the items may be sold by now. I know the copper satin is gone, because I am the one who purchased it. :) (I am on a bit of a jewelry kick at the moment)

Row 1: Persephone Necklace, Copper Dome Key Chain, Seven Sisters Stacking Rings
Row 2: Copper Plated Bell Charms, Copper Satin Fabric, Vintage Copper Star Flower Earrings
Row 3: Hammered Copper Earrings, Samanthas Earrings, King Midas Garden Necklace

Row 1: Lola Lola Necklace, Copper and Silver Leaf Mirror, Victoria Bobby Pins
Row 2: Vintage Carved Ivory Flower Necklace, Vintage Paper Roses, Turning Leaf Votive Holder
Row 3: Ivory Rose Earring, Pocket Album, Embossed Copper Notebook

Row 1: Glass Leaf Beads, Copper and Sterling Pendant
Row 2: Penny for Your Thoughts Ring, Pure Copper Bracelet

What are some of your treasured Etsy finds?

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